Fateful Coincidence
Blog Tour, Book Review, Contemporary, New Adult, Rachel's Random Resources, Romance, Series

Fateful Coincidence (Lisa Millar #3) by Lasairiona McMaster

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Five thousand miles from her ex, Lisa is living with her decision to call it quits and leave both AJ and Alabama behind. She believes she’s finally ready to put her broken heart back together and move forward with her life as a single woman. But when she meets a seemingly too-good-to-be-true doctor, she feels both unsure of herself and guilty for moving on so quickly from her engagement to AJ. Lisa finds herself at a cross roads, does she give up all hope of ever reconciling with AJ and take a chance on love again with someone new? Or is her heart destined to be forever entwined with the married man she met on the internet?


Do you believe in fateful coincidence? The author pulls it from a Chinese concept known as Yuanfen which is roughly translated as “destiny, luck as conditioned by one’s past”. This is a fitting description for Lisa and AJ’s journey in life.  I have read the first in the trilogy but unfortunately was not able to read book 2. With that being said, Ms. McMaster does review those important moments in this book.  All in all, I recommend reading all the books to get the best picture of what is going on since Lisa’s life is a whirlwind of activity, angst, comedy, and drama.

What can I say about Lisa? At first, I was not a big fan. She’s a bit flighty, irresponsible, and appears a bit selfish sometimes not caring about her actions or consequences. However, she has been through a lot. She has broken up with her fiance, AJ, who lives in America (she lives in Ireland) after finding out he is in a marriage of convenience, and she has a miscarriage after being stabbed by being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

When grieving over her losses, she meets Matt who is a kind and generous man wanting more from her than she can give because she still loves AJ. When tragedy strikes once again, Lisa is faced with an important decision that will change her life forever. Will she do the right thing?

I can say happily that Lisa does change in the book and her extraordinary kindness shines through (with many tears being shed by yours truly). Unfortunately, I cannot say what because it will give a lot away.  Just know that she and AJ finally grow up to everyone’s joy.  Now, who is my favorite character? Jeremy, of course. He is what true friendship means. His unfailing support of both Lisa and AJ is fantastic and I would snap him up in a minute. Not to mention his sense of humor which had me laughing out loud.

Overall, I loved this fast-paced book full of lots of dialogue, LOL moments, drama, and life-changing situations. It’s a book that will make you think about not putting limits on falling in love and as the author says, “the universe will always bring you where you’re supposed to be”.  Recommend highly!

Thank you again to Ms. McMaster for giving me the opportunity to read this book with no expectation of a positive review.

Lisa Millar Series

  1. Intimate Strangers (2019) – My review
  2. The Good in Goodbye (2019)
  3. Fateful Coincidence (2019)



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Lasairiona McMasterLasairiona McMaster grew up dreaming of an exciting life abroad, and, after graduating from Queens University, Belfast, that is exactly what she did – with her then-boyfriend, now husband of almost ten years. Having recently repatriated to Northern Ireland after a decade abroad spanned over two countries (seven and a half years in America and eighteen months in India), she now finds herself ‘home’, with itchy feet and dreams of her next expatriation. With a penchant for both travelling, and writing, she started a blog during her first relocation to Houston, Texas and, since repatriating to Northern Ireland, has decided to do as everyone has been telling her to do for years, and finally pen a book (or two) and get published while she tries to adjust to the people and place she left ten years ago, where nothing looks the same as it did when she left.

Follow Lasairiona on her blogFacebook, Twitter, and Instagram.


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