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Such a Good Girl (Hush Hush Club #1) by Vivian Wood and Honey Palomino


When I first stepped into the Hush Hush Club, I committed a sin. I posed as a would-be waitress while staking out the club for my own secret reasons.

I didn’t realize that I would immediately catch the eye of the owner. I couldn’t fathom a man so powerful being instantly attracted to me.

He loved my curvy body, my red hair, my shy smile. He told me what a good girl I am.

I had no idea just how depraved he actually was… until I stepped into the shadow. I let him lead me down a sinful and decadent path into corruption.

Now I fear I am owned by secrets so dark and debauched that I may never return in one piece.

Such a Good Girl


Such a Good Girl had all the elements that I love in a good novel: a thrilling murder mystery, steamy romance, and an unexpected twist. However, as I delved deeper into the story, I found myself experiencing mixed feelings about the characters and the plot.

The book centers around Kaylee, an undercover cop tasked with infiltrating the Hush Hush Club, co-owned by West Foster, a famous Hollywood actor. West is a prime suspect in a series of murders that have been plaguing the city.

The premise of the story captivated me from the start, and I was eager to see how the mystery would unfold. As I read on, I found myself becoming more invested in the murder mystery than the romance between Kaylee and West. Although I appreciated the chemistry between the two characters, I found Kaylee’s sudden transformation from a dedicated cop to a lovesick partner a bit jarring. Her acceptance of the luxurious lifestyle that came with being involved with West made me question her motives and priorities. West, on the other hand, seemed too fixated on wooing Kaylee to do his bidding. While it was refreshing to see him give Kaylee the benefit of the doubt after her deception, his constant neediness seemed unappealing. I longed to see more development in his character beyond his wealth and charm.

One aspect of the book that I found unnecessary was the inclusion of the private club experience. The chanting and cult-like atmosphere seemed out of place and detracted from the central plot. 

If you’re looking for a book that combines a thrilling murder mystery with steamy romance, give this book a try. However, be prepared for some frustrating character development and a few unnecessary plot elements.

Thank you to Ms. Wood and Ms. Palomino for giving me the opportunity to read this book with no expectation of a positive review.


Such a Good Girl

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Vivian Wood is a USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and Amazon Top 20 bestselling author. She specializes in writing about damaged billionaires, ruined princesses, mouthy ballerinas, and anti-heroes that are oh so deliciously bad.

Vivian likes to write about troubled, deeply flawed alpha males, and the fiery, kick-ass women who bring them to their knees. 

Vivian’s lasting motto in romance is a quote from a favorite song: Soulmates Never Die.

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